{ this function was inspired by A.J. Strecok, math. comp. 1968, page 144ff }
{ accuracy between -0.999 and 0.999: better than 10E-7 }
{ (C) 1996 QuantumSoft }
y: extended;
y := sqrt(-ln(1.0 - x * x));
y := sqrt(-log(1.0 - x * x));
y := y * (0.6374868939151371 + y * (-0.2767067324742911 + y * (0.1503581502062744 + y * (-2.5878691411691874e-2 + y * 9.7670209741420530e-3)))) / (0.7193322618853618 + y * (-0.3122885268724753 + y * (0.1614016565020622 + y * (-2.5947254488147567e-2 + y * 9.7832443176615724e-3))));
if x < 0 then
y := -y;
InvErf := y;
procedure Func (x: extended; { the x-value }
a: ParamArray; { the parameters }
var y: extended; { the y-value }
pb: ExtModulesParamBlockPtr); { the complete parameter block passed by pro Fit to the}
{ routines defined in this file. In most cases it can be ignored }
{ called to calculate the y-value of your function for a given x and a given }